12 Best Tips to Reduce Cold and Stay Healthy In Winter
Tips to reduce cold are here. When winter sets many of you might want to be enjoying and looking ahead for a bright days ahead. Also now the cold has also set to build up outside your homes. You need to protect yourself from this cold. Especially the elder and the kids who need special care and protection.
Almost everyone knows about winter dangers such as broken bones from falls on ice or breathing problems caused by cold air. But, not everyone knows that cold weather can also lower the temperature inside your body. This drop in body temperature is called hypothermia and it can be deadly if not treated quickly. Hypothermia can happen anywhere not just outside and not just in northern states but also inside if the temperature in your home is too cool.
So what can you do to make cold in this season less miserable to you. Here below find the 12 tips to reduce cold and stay healthy.
Tips to Reduce Cold
1. Strengthen your immunity

Your immune system plays two vital roles in your body. First, it responds to foreign organisms by producing antibodies and stimulating specialized cells which destroy those organisms or neutralize their toxic products. In this manner, it defends against foreign invaders: germs, viruses, bacteria, and the like. Second, it stands guard over the cells of your body to ensure that they are not abnormal or degenerating.
Normally, there are anywhere between 100 to 10,000 abnormal cells floating around in our bodies at any point in time—produced as part of the normal metabolic process
According to Brent A. Bauer, MD, on the Mayo Clinic’s website, several recent studies have shown that zinc lozenges or syrup can reduce the length of a cold by one day. Best tips to reduce cold. That seems pretty comforting: knowing you could be back to normal a little faster if you take a zinc supplement the first sign of a cold.
Also according to Johnny Bowden PHD CNS and author of Smart Fat: Eat More Fat. Lose More Weight. Get Healthy Now, “Zinc is necessary for the immune system to perform, so yes, you can definitely up the dose during the onset of a cold,” You should always check with your doctor first to make sure it won’t interfere with any of your medications.
In many ways, your immune system is the most awesome system in your body, easily rivaling your brain in terms of complexity, subtlety, and “self-awareness.” So you need to stop smoking if you do, avoid sugar, avoid alcohol and eat healthy fats.
2. Increase intake of vitamin C

This tips to reduce cold is what my father used to say to me when I used to have cold and I remember he use to give me vitamin C along with other medication. A National Institute of Health study found that taking vitamin C can reduce a cold. Vitamin C pills can be hard to swallow when your sick and while orange juice goes down easy, it can irritate your tummy if you haven’t been eating much. A more delicious way to boost your vitamin C intake could be with ZÜPA NOMA soup. The Organic Yellow Pepper Habanero flavor boosts a whopping 370 percent of your DRI of vitamin C. The soup may help numb and soothe a sore throat and the slightly spicy pepper can help open stuffy airways.
3. Have warm soups, drinks and honey

One of my favourite thing to do in winter and best tips to reduce cold. You can also try this. Crush raw fresh ginger and a bit of cinnamon, few basil leaf add to water and boil. When a bit water is reduced and you are suffering from cold sip this water three teaspoon four times a day. If you do not have cold then make a tea out of this water. This tip is one of the best ways to ride out a cold besides getting plenty of rest is to drink warm soothing fluids like tea. Some teas are better suited for our immune system than others.
According to doctors you should take ginger turmeric herbal tea from the Spice and Tea Exchange, for example.”Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and other benefits. Turmeric is rich in curcumin and volatile oils that can help your cold from getting worse. If you can’t drink tea without a sweetener try honey and make this combo a trifecta of comfort. Honey has antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties which work on your behalf when you have a cold. Also in cough honey works wonders and keeps that irritating cough at bay. But remember to have pure honey from the farm or store.
4. Ensure a good night’s sleep

It’s hard to sleep when you’re stuffed up or coughing. According to WebMD, your sinuses will drain better if your head is raised to promote drainage. Problem is, propping up pillows bends your neck in a way that can actually make it harder to breathe so raise the head of your bed instead. Tips to reduce cold is place large books or something sturdy under the legs of your headboard and secure them to create a more natural incline.
5. Gargle with warm water

Gargling with warm water another tips to reduce cold in cold gives some what relief from sore throat. Having a sore throat makes the common cold even more miserable when you can’t swallow food or sip a cup of hot tea. Gargling salt water is confusing. Raj Dasgupta MD, University of Southern California’s Keck Medicine, division of pulmonary medicine and a regular on the syndicated television show The Doctors, recommends Nature’s Jeannie Gargle Away
Advanced Throat Care is available for your single-serve brewing machine or single serve pack to mix with hot water. According to him “The unique blend of germ-fighting, pain-relieving, and highly soothing ingredients is equally powerful providing symptomatic relief you won’t find in traditional home remedy gargles”.
6. Have the right lozenge

In cough or sore throat often you look for some soothing lozenge another tips to reduce cold. With so many lozenges available, it’s difficult to choose which one will be soothing and taste decent. Dara Huang, MD, a Manhattan-based physician specializing in nephrology and hypertension and founder of New York Culinary Medicine has some suggestions to narrow down the choices. “While menthol, found in Hall’s cough drops can soothe the throat, medicated lozenges such as Cepacol or Chloraseptic lozenges also contain benzocaine, a numbing medication,” says Huang.
If the medicine taste isn’t tolerable, Ricola is more pleasant and has fewer unnatural ingredients. Dr. Huang suggests adding lozenges to a cup of hot water and letting it dissolve for a soothing cup of comfort.
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7. Prefer low sodium soup

As said above in tip number three as tips to reduce cold is to have warm drinks you need to remember one thing with soups. You like sipping the hot fluid that keeps your nasal passages moist, loosens mucus, and keeps you hydrated. A University of Nebraska study showed chicken vegetable soup reduced the activity of neutrophils, which can cause cold symptoms.
Chicken vegetable soup is readily available but a lot of soup is high in sodium. Eating a can of soup can contain up to 75 percent or more of your daily recommended salt intake. Choose a low-sodium variety that has plenty of hearty vegetables and chicken and be careful of these other foods high in sodium.
8. Blow your nose often and do the right way

This is what my brother can’t do the right way. It’s important to blow your nose regularly when you have a cold rather than sniffling mucus back into your head. But when you blow hard, pressure can cause an earache. The best way to blow your nose: and tips to reduce cold: Press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other. Wash your hands after blowing your nose.
When you see that your nose gets swollen, red, and chapped and also a rough and thinly lined tissue just makes matters worse because you get the slimy stuff on your hands. Try a tissue with lotion like Puffs Plus Lotion Facial Tissues. You can also dab a little Aquaphor balm under and around your nostrils. Also don’t forget to tuck some tissues in your pocket the next time you go outside in cold weather.
9. Light a candle in your room

This is my regular habit by the way. You want to be all cozy when fighting with cold and that harsh overhead lighting doesn’t give you a cozy feeling like a candle does. Not only will candles give you a glowing and relaxing atmosphere, they could boost some immune properties in your body. According to BJ Adrezin, MD, chief medical advisor to BōKUInternational, “Pure essential oils have a long history of use in European and Asian countries for their antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Inhaling pure essential oils can be a great support in preventing or treating the common cold, which is a virus.”
The BōKU Immune Candle was inspired by the Four Thieves Oil legend during the Plague epidemic of the 15th century. Legend has it the thieves who were stealing from the dead didn’t get sick because they doused themselves and their clothes with a combination of essential oils, including eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, and lemon.
You’ll enjoy a warm glow and be better able to smell the pleasant of aroma of peppermint, eucalyptus and lemon. Just be sure not to use it in your bedroom if you’re feeling sleepy.
10. Have a company of friend or partner

Who doesn’t want someone to talk to and snuggle in bed gossiping in cold winter nights. If you have cold then obviously you need someone close to you to bring some compassion to you
A 2009 study from the University of Wisconsin showed that such empathy can shorten the duration of your cold. Doctors were put to the test and patients rated their bedside manner. With doctors who scored perfectly on a 10-question Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE), patients were sick one less day.
The patients who experienced the most empathetic care had double the levels of IL-8, a protein molecule the body releases to help fight off a common cold. Comfort in the form of empathy really does seem to help you feel better.
11. Laugh more in cold

You will say I have gone insane as having a cold is hardly a comedy fest but a 2010 study stated that having a good laugh activates protective T-cells and increases antibody production. Laughter also has positive effect on regulating components of the immune system, including an increased production of antibodies and protective cells, like the T-cells.
Watch some of the funniest movies or check out some you tube funny videos. Pets are a great source of relaxation and laughter. If you are a pet owner then watch his tricks to relax your mind but be cautious as pets also catch cold so you need to keep them warm too besides all the laughter.
12. Don’t fly unless necessary

It is better to stay at home or indoors in this cold weather. There’s no point adding stress to your already stressed-out upper respiratory system, and that’s what the change in air pressure will do. Flying with cold or flu congestion can hurt your eardrums as a result of pressure changes during takeoff and landing. If you must fly, use a decongestant and carry a nasal spray with you to use just before takeoff and landing. Chewing gum and swallowing frequently can also help relieve pressure.
Remember, serious conditions can masquerade as the common cold and a mild infection can evolve into something more serious. If you have severe symptoms or are feeling sicker with each passing day, see a doctor.
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